By Matthew Clark
One of the Assumptions in the present modernity age is that life expectancy will continue to rise, everywhere. There might be occasional blips on the road which temporarily drive motal longevity down. War, Disease, are usually considered the culprit. Yet even these could be overcome as prosperity, combined with greater health practices amongst both the general public and health professionals increased the lifespan of most people. Recently there has been indications that the modernity assumption of an increasing rise in life expectancy is coming to an end.
In October of 2022 the Insurance information forum reported on data from the National Center for Health Statistics indicating that in the U.S. there was an estimated 107,622 drug overdose deaths in 2021, an increase of 15% from 2020 and an increase of 30% when comparing that category from 2019-2020. Overall, according to InsuranceNewnet life expectancy at birth in the United States declined nearly a year from 2020 to 2021. This fact was collaborated in the findings of the Center For Control National Center For Health Statistics. American life expectancy at birth dipped from 77.0 years to 76.1. The 0.9 year drop in life longevity in 2021, along with a 1.8 year decline in 2020, represent the biggest two year decrease in life expectancy since 1921-1923. Furthermore the Society of Actuaries recently noted that deaths of despair in the last 20 years have completely wiped out improvements in life expectancy in the U.S. related to better treatment of cardiac arrest!
Meanwhile the American Medical Association (AMA) also publicized sobering news on life duration. In 1900 Americans could expect to live an average of 47 years, a stat which impressively improved to 79 by 2019. In 2020 life expectancy fell to 77, than declined to 76.4 in 2021 according to the AMA. This finding was also based on a report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
To quote directly from Dr. Charles Wilmar, MD who is an Interventional Cardiologist at Piedmont Heart Institute, as well as an alternate delegate in the AMA House of Delegates:" This alarming trend is clearly not an anomaly and is primarily due to heart disease, cancer, Covid 19, and the ongoing drug overdose epidemic. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death, followed by cancer, and Covid 19. All of these factors accounted for 60% of the decline in life expectancy. Meanwhile overdose deaths, which account for more than one third of all accidental deaths in the United States , have risen five fold over the past two decades. What is interesting is the 25 to 35 year old group (mortality) increased 24% and the 35-44 year old group increased the most!"
These findings were also verified by the Insurance Information Institute which reported on NCHS (National Center For Health Statistics) stating that in 2021 U.S. life expectancy at birth receded to 76.1 years. Male life expectancy(73.2 years in 2021) declined 3.1 years between 2019 and 2021 whereas female life expectancy(79.1 years in 2021) fell 2.3 years within the same time frame.
This pattern appears to have been followed in Canada. According to a Global News article published in November of 2023 the latest numbers from Statistics Canada on life expectancy for Canadians found the nations citizens went from living an average of 81.6 years in 2021 to 81.3 years in 2022. This is not an alarming drop yet it was the third year in a row this had occurrred. Strangely the decline was more prominent among females than males. The opposite is usually the case.
Dr. Doug Manuel, a senior scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute explained," We've hardly had any declines, we have had a recession, but never like this, not three years in a row. It's a pretty big event. This is a measure of how our health is doing as Canadians. And it means that we're doing worse!"
Interestingly none of these analysis say much about Covid-19 contributing to declining life expectancy. Perhaps this is due to the most common age of someone in North America who died of Covid-19 being 82 years of age. As well the trend tends to have started in 2019, before Covid-19 hit North America. Whatever the reason health practitioners are concerned about the continuing drop in life expectancy and see that pattern perpetuating irregardless of the severity, or lack of, of the Covid -19 virus.
Clearly health in North America amongst the general population is deteriorating. This is true not only for the older population yet for younger people as well. No amount of googling (figures can lie and liars can figure) will change this fact. Google is owned by a man heavily invested in the present health industry. He will not be forthcoming about it's failures. Indeed there is a fair chance he might use his resources to obstruct any perception of the present health regimes shortcomings!
When it comes to humans well beings a decline in life expectancy is the canary in the coal mine. We should not get so lost in the Covid-19 debacle, including the vaccine controversy, that we fail to address the lack of good health among the citizenry. Whether it's the prescription burdened diagnosis of doctors, or a poor economic model for the medical system, modern medicine is defaulting on the goal of assisting people to be healthier. To dispute this statement is to ignore the facts!
Global News, Katie Dangerfield, November 27,2023 4:41 EST
Life Expectancy in Canada fell for the 3rd year in a row. What's happening?
Insurance Information Institute release
Triple-1: Life Expectancy Decline Highlights
Need for Life Insurance: Americans are Living Riskier
September 1, 2022 Michael Barry, What doctors wish patients knew about falling U.S. life expectancy
March 10, 2023 By Sara Berg, Ms, News Editor
Deaths of Despair rising dramatically and insurers feel the pain
By John Hilton October 17, 2022