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Is the Quest For Immortality A Result Of The Age Of Post Modern Relativism?

By Matthew Clark

In my youth there was a popular expression, "There is no such thing as black and white, everything is grey." It was an argument to promote the idea that extreme moral positions did not actually exist in reality. Saintly good existed in the abstract only, as was the case with Satanic evil. Somewhere in a murky middle, a moral grey zone, was where principled truth existed. Black and white, representing good and evil, was a principle(s) that did not, in fact, have physical manifestation. It was, in other words, an abstract devoid of reality.

This is an absurd statement, to say the least. Any individual, or culture for that matter, which tried to continually operate on moral compromise would soon become dysfunctional (just observe contemporary western nations to judge the veracity of this statement). Furthermore, the expression was contradictory in it's logic. If black (evil), and white (good). do not exist how could grey (compromise), exist? What exactly was being compromised if good and evil did not exist?

This rejection of moral absolutes was a key feature in the march toward a relative culture. Rejecting the idea of good and evil meant that the idea of any morality could be refuted. Once that fluid foundation was laid the next step was to intellectually assault the notion of truth itself. Tailor made for this step in the relativist trend was the Post Modernist Movement. As the Christian apologist Norman Geisler wrote, " In short, the root of Post-Modernism is atheism, and the fruit of it is relativism-relativism in every area of life, and thought."

Famous thinkers associated with Post Modernism such as Jean Baudrilled, and Gilles Deleuze, promoted a set of ideas that claimed the individual could create their own truth, independent of basic axioms. A brilliant philosopher such as Aristotle who believed truth existed, and sought out how mortal man could discern it, was seen by these relativists as having a misguided, confused mind. A man such as John Locke, who wrote thesis on how human beings formed knowledge, was, according to Post Modernists, speculating on the unknowable, and therefore irrelevant.

Religion, particularly Christianity, became a key target to harm by the growing army of relativists. Christianity, taught in proper form, is made up of numerous moral absolutes. Therefore its believers would reject outright the idea that the individual could create their own reality. God, made up of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, created the universe. Mankind's obligation was to finds it's truths, while living moral lives. Brilliant men such as Isaac Newton, and Nicolaus Copernicus, had guided their lives under this principle. Sometimes these men, in their pursuit of truth, had to resist pressure form their churches hierarchy who felt threatened by their scientific observations. The pressure from the denominational hierarchy was opposed by the great mathematicians, and scientists, who nevertheless never repudiated God, or the idea of the existence of absolute truths.

This legacy was attacked with great determination by Post Modernist Relativists. Buffeted by an apathetic obliging public, and lawmakers interested in augmenting their own power, which a culture of relativism encouraged, the diminishing of religion in public life achieved success. Prayer was removed from many schools in western countries. Religious symbols, such as the cross, were outlawed in public buildings. Secular notions associated with religion, such as the protestant work ethic, were ridiculed into obscurity.

Simultaneously while the moral absolutes in religion were attacked, dubious philosophic principles came to be debated. Again the Post Modernists led the way, often with absurd logic. Author Arthur W. Lindsley of the C.S. Lewis Institute once wrote: "Many Post Modern contentions are self refuting. An ancient example of this was the Greek philosopher Gorgius who maintained that "All statements are false." The problem is that if the statement is true then it is false. Similarly postmodernism maintains that it is (objectively) true to say that there are no objective truths. It uses reason to deny the validity of reason."

Despite these defects postmodernists have incredibly carried the day culturally in the western world. Today's western nations have no legal principles, witness the divergent contradictory rulings by American jurists based on their political appointments. These countries have no medical morals, the Hippocratic oath is irrelevant posturing compared to the compliance medical practitioners give to the health agencies, and corporations. Education institutions in Western nations now spurn (in practice if not verbally) the idea of free exchange of ideas. Financial institutions especially large banks, and central banks, are hell bent on pilfering the economy, rather than increasing the general welfare of their depositors.

What is the growing contemporary trend among the upper classes of these challenged jurisdictions during this time of trouble(s)? Is it an urgent belief in reform? Is it a thrust to return to the fundamentals which once so enriched (in so many ways) their countries?

Hardly! The minds of the Western elites in both the private world, and that of government, are currently fascinated by something called TRANSHUMANISM! What is Transhumanism? According to the United States National Institute of Health: "Transhumanism is a blanket term given to the school of thought that refuses to accept traditional human limitations such as death, disease, and other biological frailties."

In normal every day vernacular this translates as an attempt to achieve immortality!!!

Just to be clear, there is nothing wrong in trying to live a long, happy life. We humans have been blessed with a wonderful planet, filled with many beautiful, lovely human beings. Trying to prolong your life by a few decades however is a far cry from invading the creators realm in pursuit of everlasting mortal life. (excuse the contradictory term).

By rejecting morality in favour of relativism we in the west are now starting to become outright evil! Immortality is not only an attempt to live forever, it is an effort to suspend an individual from the consequences of their actions. This would occur first in the physical realm, followed inevitably into the kingdom of morality. If God granted leave to allow it to happen (my mortal mind believes this unlikely) it would inevitably give truth to the phrase "Hell on Earth."

Imagine, for instance, Bill Gates and, or, Elon Musk, being free to scheme their schemes, without any abridgement!

Of course immortality for human beings will not happen. Yet in the pursuit of this venture much harm could, and probably will, be done to many innocent individuals. Transhumanism is such a morally suspect idea it seems safe to say it could only gain credibility during a period of relativism. Given the mindset of todays privileged in western countries it is fruitless to warn them of the almighty's wrath, and in truth we fallible human beings do not know how the greatest of judges will make his rulings. Instead it might be effective to admonish them with an old Scottish saying that their weighted minds can comprehend: "Not all sins go unpunished in this life."

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