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Arnold J. Toynbee

The Threat of A Dominant Minority

By Matthew Clark

Arnold J. Toynbee was born on April 14, 1889 in London, England. His parents were Harry Valpy Toynbee and Sarah Edith Toynbee. Toynbee was named after his uncle Arnold Toynbee, a well known economist at that time. The younger Arnold Toynbee had 2 sisters, the 3 children representing a growing trend in late 19th century Britain of a declining birth rate.

Toynbee acquired an impressive education, graduating from Balliol College, Oxford, by 1911. A year later he became a tutor and fellow in ancient history at the same college. With such an imposing academic background it was no surprise that the British Foreign Office hired him to work in the Intelligence Department in 1915. Ten years later the academic achieved the status of research professor of International History at London School Of Economics, as well as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, also in London.

These years were not all work and no play for the British Professor. During the month of September (1913) Toynbee married Rosalind Murray. Together they would have and raise 3 children. Thirty Three years later Toynbee and Murray would suffer through a September divorce. Upon his divorce Arnold J. Toynbee immediately married his assistant Veronica Boulter. September was obviously the month of choice in the scholars personnel life.

Starting in 1934 the Englishman published a historical analysis on 26 different civilizations from the past. Entitled "A Study of History" the project, encompassing twelve volumes, would take 27 years to complete. While receiving a lukewarm reception from his fellow post secondary educators, this history on civilization would resonate with the general public in the western world, particularly residents of the United States and the United Kingdom. Throughout the nineteen fifties and well into the 1960's Toynbee's thesis was a frequent topic of discussion throughout the public forum, including the comparatively recent medium of television. Employing dramatic conclusions alongside memorable quotes, the history professor gave plenty of reason(s) for the general public to study his publication.

What were some of those conclusions and quotes?

Toynbee declared that new civilizations arose from the turmoil created upon the death of old civilizations. Faced with challenges, often existential in nature, a creative minority would arise within the civilization to meet these challenges. Because they were successful the rest of the majority population would imitate their behaviour. A convergeance of values and interests would then occur throughout society. This civilization, or great nation, would then triumph over rival nations. At the zenith of power the success enjoyed by the people of the 'Empire' would bring about their downfall.

"Civilizations die from suicide, not murder" Toynbee observed. It is at the moment of greatest success that the process is often initiated.

With no competition the ruling minority starts to lose creativity. This causes decay. With challenges not being successfully managed the proletariat (common man/common woman) abandons imitation of the (now) ruling minority. The historian describes it in this fashion, "The nature of breakdowns of civilizations can be summed up in three points: a failure of creative power in the minority, an answering withdrawal of mimesis on the part of the majority, and a consequent loss of social unity in the society as a whole." Simply put the ruling minorities incompetence causes a fragmentation of interests and values throughout the civilization!

To combat this loss of prestige Toynbee asserts, the ruling minority employs self worship, finding reasons why they are superior to their fellow citizens, and therefore destined to possess political power. Here the author remarks," Sooner or later, man has always had to decide whether he worships his own power, or the power of God."

At this point the (un)creative minority becomes a 'dominant minority,' employing a large degree of coercion to maintain their position atop the hierarchy.

"First the dominant minority attempts to hold by force-against all right and reason-a position of inherited privelege which it has ceased to merit: and then the proletariat repays injustice with resentment, fear with hate, and violence with violence."

Eventually the civilization falls to either internal opposition, or external opposition!

"Study of History" places great importance on spiritual belief and moral behaviour. This was in keeping with the values of the author. Like John Glubb and Alexander Tytler Toynbee saw the repudiation of spiritual belief as a major sympton of demise in a civilization. Although not seeing the death of civilization as inevitable the composer of "Study of History" made a point of noting.

"Of the twenty two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now."

Words of warning which appear to have relevance in current times. Arnold J. Toynbee is an interesting study to any reader concerned about the present condition of the western world, and how we may have arrived at that state!


How Civilizations Die, According to Arnold Toynbee

Thinkingwest June 15, 2024

written and fact checked by the editors of Encyclopedia Britannica Article History


Arnold J Toynbee-Cycle Of Civilizations.pdf

Arnold J Toynbee

And the Cycle of Civilizations


Robert D. Loevy Colorado College


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